Saturday, May 26, 2007

Invest Ann Arbor's Website

Have you seen our companion website, Invest Ann Arbor? We have a new, dramatic look, and some really cool photos of Tokyo and its environs. Invest Ann Arbor is a compendium of some of the most active Ann Arbor businesses that aggressively pursue advertising on the internet. One of our newest additions is the Art of Judo Dot Com, an informational site about traditional judo and seminars taught by world renown instructor Nicklaus Suino. When Suino-Sensei isn't teaching Japanese swordsmanship, he teaches judo and jujutsu at his dojo in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the Japanese Martial Arts Center. Many schools around the US have benefited from Suino's teachings in Judo, including the ITAMA Dojo of East Lansing, and the Yama Oroshi Dojo of Salt Lake City.